A Gray Matter

My more coherent thoughts


I’m using the blog as free therapy. I want to be a creator not just a consumer. I want the courage to stand and say I have something to say even if it just my packaging of something someone else has probably already said more elegantly. I believe we all have something authentic to create, and I’m hoping to refine and express my truth.

About the Reflections:
I’m into revelation. Not in the sense of something weird that will happen during some unspecified time in the future, but in the sense of something that is revealed that I couldn’t have ever found on my own. There are thoughts that when they come feel like they have come to me from a deeper place, thoughts whose truth shines out of them-dimming the world around them. There are thoughts that when I give them voice feel like the truest thing I will ever say.

Rob Bell likes the term abductive reasoning. There are thoughts that abduct us. Thoughts that tackle us and throw us in the trunk of a car. There are thoughts that jostle us around bruising our other conceptions.

I also believe in incarnation. I believe that our beliefs are only truly ours when we make them part of our flesh, our action, our being. This will be my challenge to myself when writing this blog. I won’t share anything that I haven’t at least begun to incarnate.

I have found that often these thoughts are nothing new. They are often simple and seem quite obvious when stated directly and that it is a struggle to communicate their subjective force. Knowing that difficulty, this blog is my attempt to sketch these thoughts with the prayer that they will retain some of their power in the form I can give them. I hope that I succeed and in doing so and can bring a little bit of light to your life dear reader.

About Good Consumption:
These are my attempts to briefly process and pass on what I have been consuming. Hopefully in encourages me to consume for the right reasons and reflect on that process.